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2021 Annual Conference

2021 Annual Conference

The twenty-eighth session of the Dakotas Annual Conference was held June 11-12, 2021, in a hybrid format. On Friday, June 11, people gathered in-person at McCabe United Methodist Church in Bismarck, North Dakota, First United Methodist Church in Fargo, North Dakota, First United Methodist Church in Rapid City, South Dakota, and the Convention Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Saturday, June 12, participants joined in-person at the Sioux Falls Convention Center or virtually on their individual devices.  More than 400 United Methodists from North and South Dakota experienced inspiring worship, meaningful learning, and conducted business.  Here are some of the highlights.

Theme: In a time of continual changes, God is calling United Methodists in the Dakotas to remain rooted in Christ. Drawing on our collective values of Jesus, Mission and Connection, the theme of this year's annual conference session is "Jesus. Waymaker."  We explored ways in which we need to step out of our comfort zone and follow the path to live like Jesus in ways beyond our imagination. 

Bishop’s Episcopal Address: “Where is Christ’s compassion? Didn’t Jesus call that woman (begging for help) a dog? A woman whose young daughter is possessed by an unclean spirit finds out about Jesus and falls at his feet,” Bishop Laurie Haller stated in her first sermon, the 2021 Episcopal Address, to the Dakotas Conference of The United Methodist Church. Bishop Laurie invited all those listening to transform their hearts and minds, continuing to share the good news of Jesus, the Waymaker. “Keep on innovating. Keep on sharing the good news. And keep on discerning in humility and wisdom how God invites each of us to transform hearts and minds. Wait a minute. Didn’t Jesus just call you “beloved child of God?” Read more

Teaching sessions with Rachel Billups: In two teaching sessions, Rev. Rachel Billups explored the importance of knowing, claiming, and reclaiming our personal “God” stories and underscored that we need to let Jesus make a way in difficult conversations and open ourselves to—ask anything, listen well, freely disagree and love regardless. “Let’s allow Jesus to be our way through difficult conversations. You have to be willing to get your feelings hurt for Jesus,” said Billups. View the teaching sessions

Missional Report: We have seen first-hand that, even as we seek to follow Jesus closely, the way forward will not be without struggle. As we emerge from a season of disorientation and disconnection, we know that Jesus has continued to be our Waymaker, working in and through all of us. The 2020-2021 Missional Report highlights some of the ways we’ve seen this truth revealed in the past year. View the 2020-2021 Missional ReportView programs highlighted in video stories Kairos ProgramHigher Ground, and Non-Profit Church Leadership Program

Recognizing those entering new chapter of ministry: At a Celebration of Life in Ministry worship service Friday evening, hundreds of United Methodists gathered to remember 16 friends and colleagues who have died over the past year, honor five retiring clergy, and celebrate three elders being ordained, four elders being commissioned as provisional members, 11 newly assigned licensed local pastors, and five licensed local pastors completing their educational requirements. Thanks be to God for this group of dedicated leaders! Read more

Legislation: Members affirmed all legislation put before them during the twenty-eighth session of the Dakotas Annual Conference including: the ratification of a disaffiliation agreement allowing Prairie Winds Church in Dickinson, North Dakota, to leave The United Methodist Church; affirmation of a resolution advocating for the inclusion of all people in the life of the church; and voting yes to a resolution calling for boards and related agencies of the Dakotas Conference to begin planning for a separation of the denomination.

In March of 2021, Prairie Winds United Methodist Church in Dickinson, North Dakota, voted to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church in compliance with the Dakotas Conference process for disaffiliation. The final step of the disaffiliation process is the ratification of an agreement written in cooperation with the Dakotas Conference Treasurer, Board of Trustees, Chancellor, the local pastor, and local church board of trustees. The agreement outlines obligations and next steps related to property, financial responsibilities, and church records. The agreement was ratified on June 11, 2021, by the Dakotas Annual Conference, with233 members voting yes and 122 members voting no.

Resolution 1.2 A Vision for a More Just Church (
view on page 5) urges the Dakotas Conference to welcome LGBTQ+ persons into leadership, including actions of the Board of Ordained Ministry regarding candidates for ministry, local congregations to welcome and include LGBTQ+ members in full participation, respect clergy's discernment on marrying same-sex couples. Furthermore, it urges the bishop to refrain from conducting clergy trials. The resolution was affirmed by a vote of 179 yes votesand 172 no votes. This resolution is currently under judicial review as to compliance with the 2016 Book of Discipline.

Resolution 1.3 Resolution to Prepare for a Denominational Separation (view on page 6-7) directs the Dakotas Conference to act in the following manner to prepare for a potential denominational separation: 

  • The Common Table recognizes prospective leadership. Board of Pensions and Dakotas United Methodist Foundation prepare to serve multiple Methodist denominations. 
  • Conference Council on Finance and Administration prepare a proposal of equitable division of cash and investments. 
  • Camp and Retreat Ministry Council prepare a proposal for a shared camping ministry across denominational lines.  
  • The Missional Impact Link prepares to independently incorporate Spirit Lake Ministry Center and Solar Oven Partners and transfer land owned in Mission, South Dakota, to Tree of Life Ministries.  
  • The Human Resources Committee provides direction to guide the personnel needs of the Dakotas Conference. 

These tasks are to be completed by the 2022 session of the Annual Conference. The resolution passed with a vote of 294 yes votes and 40 no votes.

In other matters before the body, a 2022 budget was approved with a slight decrease in spending, four clergy were commissioned as elders, three were ordained as elders, the retirement of five clergy was celebrated, and the slate of nominations for all committees, boards and agencies was approved. 
Read more

Miracle Offering: Our 2021 Miracle Offering, Feeding the Dakotas is an effort to help feed 150,000 people who face hunger daily in the Dakotas. So far, we've collected close to $40,000. We are over half-way to the finish line. Help us reach our goal of $75,000 to be shared with the Great Plains Food Bank in North Dakota, Feeding South Dakota, and grants to local hunger ministries. Access resources for the 2021 Miracle Offering.

The 2022 annual conference will be held June 9-11, 2022, at the Bismarck Civic Center in Bismarck, North Dakota.




Click this image to see videos that were played during AC 2021.



Click this image to view our photo gallery on Flickr.

Photo Gallery - Click this image to view a photo album on from the Dakotas Annual Conference 2021.

Recorded learning  sessions on Saturday June 12 | Access links 

Print resources:
Miracle Offering input card
Celebration of Life in Ministry booklet
Strategy Team Prayer + Covenant Card
View all publications 


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 slider.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000