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Across The Dakotas

Solar Oven Partners

Solar Oven Partners gift message

Consider a donation to Solar Oven Partners. Giving in the name of others is both touching and practical. Solar ovens make a difference—one family at a time, one community at a time. Every act of generosity counts …and everyone has something to give.

Download an SOP brochure from Dropbox here.
To download a gift card for mailing in a standard business envelope, click here. The card explains that you have given a gift to Solar Oven Partners in their honor and points them to more information about our work together.

Happy Skeptic Sop2

A woman in the Dominican Republic is visibly happy about her new solar oven, and the instruction she received on using it effectively.

Our Solar Oven Partners in the Minnesota/Dakotas Conference, in The Dominican Republic, Sierra Leone and Four Corners Ministry-Navajo Nation resolve to continue this ministry with passion and dedication. 

Go to SOP Facebook for news about workshops and seminars. Information on the search for an executive director will be posted as soon as it is a available.

For 23 years, SOP has distributed more than 12,500 ovens to families who helped build and learned to use them. Demand for ovens has grown in the Dominican Republic and Sierra Leone. We are also developing a partnership with people of the Navajo Nation in Arizona and New Mexico.

Joanne Singrey Johnson And Dave

Volunteers assembling solar oven parts in one of the workshops in the Dakotas.

Why Are Solar Ovens Needed?
For a third of humanity, a hot meal means cooking over an open fire. More than 40% of the population of the Dominican Republic live in poverty.  The women of the household are frequently balancing the purchase of cooking fuel against buying adequate and healthy food to feed the family.

Solar Ovens provide relief.  It is an economical way to cook food. Our solar ovens also pasteurize drinking water to help reduce life-threatening disease, such as diarrhea and dehydration. This helps to reduce the child- and infant-mortality rates resulting from water-borne diseases.

Cooking with charcoal, the traditional fuel in countries like the Dominican Republic, is unhealthy. Solar Ovens eliminate the air pollution from burning charcoal, which also reduces respiratory and eye disease, and dangerous burns among women and children who tend charcoal cooking fires.

How Can I Help?
Give the gift of a solar oven to a family in need. Costs of components and shipping for the high-quality ovens have topped $100. When added to the cost of the program’s two-day training seminars—an essential element in successfully placing an oven—the cost is approximately $150 per family.  Tax-deductible gifts of any size are important. You may make a one-time gift or a monthly contribution through the UMCOR link. 

Two options to donate:

  • Write a check to: Solar Oven Partners/ Dakotas UMC Advance #637 and mail to:
    Solar Oven Partners
    1331 W. University Blvd.
    PO Box 460
    Mitchell SD, 57301
Ied Student With Oven1

A student with her new oven in the Dominican Republic.


  • Serve on a Volunteers In Mission (ViM) team at your own expense to help with solar oven assembly and training for solar cooking.
  • Volunteer to help fabricate oven components at our Montrose, SD workshop or our reflector workshop in Rapid City, SD, or help package oven boxes and other items for shipment at our central workshop in Raymond, SD

Where Can I Learn More?

Lead the way—cook with the sun!

Randy Harwood, Director
Solar Oven Partners
909 19th Ave N.
Fargo, ND   58102
Office: 701-361-2378


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 Parachute 2a.jpg 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000