Greetings, Dakotas and Minnesota camping family,
I hope this message finds you well and safe amid the coronavirus pandemic. The Dakotas and Minnesota camps’ leadership team has been working closely with local and state health officials, as well as conference and camping industry leadership, to decide how to move forward with camp this summer. After much prayer and consultation, we have made the difficult decision to suspend our conference sponsored summer programs through August 29, 2020, at Lake Poinsett, Wesley Acres, and Storm Mountain in the Dakotas, and Northern Pines, Camp Koronis, and Kowakan Adventures in Minnesota.
This is difficult news for us to share, and we know it is tough news for you to learn. It is hard to imagine a summer without camp. For many of us, camp is the thing we look forward to most about summer. The ways we experience Christ, creation, and community at camp is what we all want right now. We wish we could be together at camp, but at this time, our team feels it would be difficult to safely and effectively offer summer programming during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you have already registered for summer 2020, you are entitled to a full refund of any camp payments. Each camper will receive a separate email with instructions about the refund process and alternative options for the use of your paid fees. Detailed information and answers to questions about summer program suspension can be found on the Dakotas United Methodist Camps COVID-19 Information page.
Make sure to stay connected to camp! We know you will miss seeing your camp friends and experiencing your favorite camp activities this summer. Your United Methodist camps will provide opportunities for you to experience some of your favorite traditions and activities virtually. Stay tuned on our website and follow us on social media for the latest information.
Feel free to reach out with questions or concerns at 855-622-1973 or
If you have questions about COVID-19, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for more information on how you can best protect yourself and your family.
We miss you and look forward to seeing you at camp in 2021!
Take care, be safe, and God bless you,
Keith Shew
Director of Camp and Retreat Ministries
Dakotas & Minnesota Area
Choose a Sunday and celebrate our camp ministry. Here is a recorded service, with resources for your congregation.