Your Dakotas Conference office remains open and ready to serve you during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conference staff members have been working from various locations, home offices, conference offices, webinars, Blue Jeans, and Zoom. All staff keep regular hours and respond to your phone calls and e-mails.
There have been regularly scheduled meetings held for conference committees, agencies, and organizations. Many of these meetings have become virtual through UMConnect. UMConnect is the video conferencing platform that allows video and two-way audio communication, phone conferencing, and webinar features.
These conference committees have been hard at work: Dakotas Conference cabinet, Extended Cabinet Sessions, CCFA, Pensions, Higher Ground, Nominations, Foundation Board, Camping and Retreat Ministries Council, Lilly Grant, Strategy team, and more.
Conference staff meets monthly as a group, and departments meet at least once a week. Many staff connects daily using Microsoft Teams, e-mail, and texting.
If you need to come to the conference office in Mitchell, the doors are open 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1-5 p.m. If you need to meet with a specific person, please check in with that person, before you arrive, to make sure they are present in the office.
The future of how the Conference conducts business may look different. This season of uncertainty has to create options for how to serve congregations throughout North and South Dakota best. The need to connect and communicate is not dependent on everyone being a physical presence in the office.
The Dakotas Conference office building is cleaned thoroughly every week. There is hand sanitizer, wipes, and doors left open to create a safe place for those in the office. If you have questions about Dakotas Conference operations, contact Jeff Pospisil by e-mail.