In January of 2021, the Dakotas and Minnesota Conferences launched the Digital Campus Initiative. Many congregations are responding to the current COVID-19 reality with the online church and hybrid delivery. In the post-pandemic reality of “both-and” church models—church online and in-person is expected. The Digital Campus Initiative is creating a network of churches learning from experts, each other, and coaches to dive into making disciples digitally.
The Digital Campus Initiative is a comprehensive program for establishing and growing your virtual ministries. It includes:
In response to an invitation and challenge from Dakotas Conference leadership, eight churches in the Dakotas were trained and equipped to launch a new, online campus, moving beyond streaming and posting to actively engaging people in asynchronistic discipleship, fellowship, mission, and care. We are excited to honor those pioneers with this year’s Multiplication Matters Award in recognition of their missional zeal.
The Multiplication Matters Award. The award recognizes congregations and individual who give birth to new faith communities and invite people to Jesus. The Dakotas Conference has the vision to expand and connect with new people. The Multiplication Matters Award honors individuals and churches who are taking this vision seriously.