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Fall mission events total over $240,000

The total of donations, including value of UMCOR kits, received for the fall mission events held in September is $242,252.41. The Dakotas Conference has been a long-time supporter of many mission events and activities.  Each fall several events are held throughout the conference to collect UMCOR kits and to focus on local, regional and global missions.

The value of the kits collected was $193,882. UMCOR kits will be taken to the UMCOR Depot West in Utah in the next few weeks. Kits and cash were collected at five major mission events—Dakota Marketplace held in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Pack the Vans in Bismarck, Fargo and Minot, North Dakota, Party on the Prairie, held at Minot Faith UMC in North Dakota, Prairie Hills East Mission Fair at Pierre, South Dakota and Prairie Hills West at South Maple UMC in Rapid City, South Dakota.

The Dakota Marketplace was the largest of the mission events, and had a bake sale, craft bazaar, farmer’s market and silent auction.  One of the highlights of the event held on September 19 at Sioux Falls First UMC was the live auction of quilts, woodworking, wall hangings, stained glass, pottery, painting and other items valued at over $7 or more, sold to the highest bidders.  One quilt sold for $2,200.  Other items available included pie and ice cream, breakfast and lunch items.  Dakotas Conference missionaries were on hand to share information. Photo: The live quilt auction at Dakota Marketplace is a popular annual event that raises tens of thousands for missions.

Hayrides and games, a bake sale, farmer’s market, vintage item sale, silent auction and food were all part of the “Party on the Prairie” at Minot Faith United Methodist Church.  Faith UMC was also a drop off site for UMCOR kits.

“Pack the Vans” provides an opportunity for churches to drop off UMCOR kits that have been assembled over the past year. The Dakotas Conference collects kits and brings them to UMCOR West in Utah. Semi-truck trailers were parked for a week at First UMC in Fargo, North Dakota, McCabe UMC in Bismarck, North Dakota, Faith UMC in Minot, North Dakota and First UMC in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. All of the kits are then packed together in one trailer.  Stops are made at the Conference Office in Mitchell, Pierre and Rapid City, South Dakota before the trip is made to Utah.

Southeast Pierre was home to the Prairie Hills East Mission Fair on Saturday, September 19th. The day included morning coffee, opening worship, a silent auction with homemade, handcrafted items, a bazaar sale with garden produce, houseplants, and baked goods and a live auction with quilts, banners and other larger items.

South Maple UMC in Rapid City, South Dakota hosted the Prairie Hills West Mission Festival on Sunday, September 27.  A silent auction, food and collection of the UMCOR kits were all part of the celebration. Photo: Piles of UMCOR kits were brought to the Prairie Hills West Mission Festival and lined up in the hallway at South Maple UMC in Rapid City, SD.

The total cash received so far from all of the events is over $48,000.  Over $17,000 will be distributed to Dakotas hunger projects in November.  Any local church in the Dakotas Conference that has a mission outreach ministry that serves the hungry is eligible for a grant.  Click here for more details

The remaining funds will be distributed between Imagine No Malaria and World Hunger. If you have kits or funds to contribute towards the fall mission efforts contact JoAnn Schlimgen at 605-990-7787 or by e-mail.


Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church 605.996.6552 1331 University Ave. Mitchell SD 57301-0460 US 43.69689310 -98.03291320 122 W. Franklin Avenue Ste 400 Minneapolis MN 55404 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 W University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000 1331 University Ave Mitchell SD 57301 US 0.00000000 0.00000000