If the people aren't coming to the town center of St. Thomas, North Dakota, for the news, they'll certainly know they can come for nutrition.
Members of the United Methodist Church in St. Thomas, North Dakota, recently installed their "Little Free Pantry" inside the local building that houses the community's post office and cafe. After brainstorming ideas and issues related to food insecurity, discussion had turned to what could be used to house such a mission activity.
One idea was to transform an unused newspaper dispenser into a food pantry. With a donated unit and some dedicated work, the community now has a central location where food can be donated and where persons can obtain items to serve their needs. This is but one of the mission projects adopted by this congregation. Other activities they have done and supported have included UMCOR kits, Shoebox Christmas gifts, and "noisy offerings" to support Feed My Starving Children.
For ideas on how your church can feed the hungry, see these resources from UMC.org: